Athena Hypnotherapy "helping you to improve you."

Athena Hypnotherapy
In Greek mythology Athena is the goddess of the mind and wisdom.
Hypnos is the personification of sleep, the state people were mistakenly assumed to be in when they had been ‘hypnotised’.
"Hypnosis is a state of mind, enhanced by (although not exclusively) mental and physical relaxation, in which our subconscious is able to communicate with our conscious mind." - William Broom, founder GHR/GHSC
Hypnotherapy is the process we will use to enable you to achieve your goal or goals (see About Hypnotherapy).
Our Mission Statement “Empowering you to achieve or exceed your goals using the power of your unconscious mind”
Our Ethos
At Athena Hypnotherapy we believe that everyone deserves to live a healthy, happy, enjoyable life. The power is within each and every one of us to realise our true potential to be successful and fulfil our goals.
Overcoming problems and difficulties is a normal part of everyday life. We all suffer stress at some time or another we need a certain amount to help us function effectively. However, there is no need to suffer in silence when things get a bit too much. You are always just one thought away from positivity and happiness.
Sometimes we just need a little help activating or tapping in to our subconcious strengths and resources to cope more effectively with the challenges that life so often brings. There really is no need to suffer in silence, let us help you be the best you can be, so you can start living your life to the full.
A completely safe and natural therapy
Gareth is a highly trained and talented Clinical Hypnotherapist, he will work with you using completely safe and natural therapies to help you get from where you are now to where you want to be. This can be at his practice in Cardiff or a location to suit you.
Why do I need expert help?
If you are thinking: “Why can’t I do this myself?”, it's a bit like taking your car to the garage.
You can do the basics yourself, like check the oil and water, and quite often identify a problem but with the exception of the most basic of repairs you need a Mechanic to do the job, a professional in their field.
It is just the same with emotional/psychological problems and difficulties but instead of a Mechanic you need a Clinical Hypnotherapist who is a professional in their field, an expert of the mind. They can help you resolve issues, overcome phobias, give up smoking, lose weight, improve performance, achieve your full potential.
Why not contact me to arrange an appointment or an informal chat on the services I can offer.